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There are mainly 3 types of signals that flow in plants: LEP, AP, and VP.



   LEP (Local Electrical Potential) is a sub-threshold response. It's a signal type that can be stimulated by a change in environment, soil, water, fertility, light, temperature, and humidity. LEP is known for its potential application. Along with its importance of monitoring physiological status of the plant, it can also monitor water stress, nutrient sufficiency, and temperature or light responses. 


AP (Action Potential) is a wide-spread signal that is fast, over long distances, and constant amplitude with constant speed. The stimuli that generate this signal are nondamaging stresses such as cold, touch, or electricity


VP (Variation Potential) is a signal that varies in shape and size with the intensity of stimuli. This signal is affected by damaging stimuli like cutting. It is mostly seen for early warning of insect attack or control of irrigation (application of controlled amounts of water at needed intervals). 


1. Definition of Organics

Natural matter or compounds with a carbon base,

which is produced by or derived from living organisms 



2. Kinds of nutritions that flow in the phloem (that human discovered) are 

sugar (sucrose), amino acids, hormones, messenger RNAs 



3. Nutrition/Organics and their calorific values are

Carbohydrates : 17 kJ/g (4 kcal)

Fat : 37 kJ/g (9 kcal)

Protein : 17 kJ/g (4 kcal)

Polyvalent alcohols : 10 kJ/g (2.4 kcal)

Ethyl alcohol : 29 kJ/g (7 kcal)

Organic acids : 13 kJ/g (3 kcal)

Dietary fiber : 8 kJ (2 kcal)


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